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Showing all 63 results
Ape in space
£495.00Basketball court version 2
£595.00Big cat by a stream
£175.00Bird encased in an acrylic dome
£80.00Bird encased in an acrylic dome
£120.00Bird encased in an acrylic dome
£110.00Bird encased in an acrylic dome
£250.00Blue Landscape
£750.00Bus Stop
£395.00Ceremonial Indian elephant
£225.00Chipping Camden
£650.00Chrome pedestal side table
£495.00Figure looking at water vessel
£175.00Flocked demijohn table lamp
£180.00Flocked Pedrali chair
£185.00Flocked US army table lamp
£195.00Floor standing lamp
£275.00Foot stool from Amazon boxes
£95.00Gibbons by a watering hole
£395.00Glasshouse 2
£2,000.00Gorilla staring at a Banksy
£175.00Gorillas in a jungle
£170.00Green and ochre side lamp
£150.00Hide in woods
£395.00Hornbill ‘Does my beak look big in this?’
£800.00Horses in red woods
£175.00Large Arctic Vase
£2,500.00Panel 1
£900.00Park View
£700.00People in a clearing
£175.00Play Area
£900.00Ram’s Head
£650.00Ram’s head 2
£575.00Recycled flocked lamp
£175.00Retro side table
£185.00Round side table stool
£2,500.00Side table lamp set
£170.00Small bedside table lamp
£130.00Small Demijohn Table Lamp
£190.00Small side table lamp
£145.00Small table lamp
£110.00Steps with two statues
£345.00Study of a group of vans (Mitcham Common)
£325.00Suburbia 1
£650.00Table lamp
£145.00Table lamp
£175.00Table lamp with luxury velvet shade
£190.00Table lamp with shade
£195.00Table lamp with shade
£195.00Tall flocked side table lamp with recycled cardboard shade
£145.00Tall table lamp
£195.00The Glasshouse
£2,500.00Thin stemmed table lamp
£140.00Three Figures